CSV to Excel Converter

Transform your CSV files into professional Excel spreadsheets in seconds

100% Free
Secure & Private
Lightning Fast

Drag & Drop your CSV file here


★★★★★ 4.9/5 from 1,458 users
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✓ No registration required
✓ Supports large files
✓ Maintains formatting
✓ Download instantly

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this CSV to Excel converter really free?

Yes! Our converter at Vanixus.com is completely free to use with no hidden costs or limitations. Convert as many files as you need.

How secure is my data?

Your files are processed entirely in your browser. We never store or transmit your data to any server, ensuring 100% privacy and security.

What's the maximum file size?

You can convert CSV files up to 100MB in size. The conversion happens locally in your browser for maximum speed and security.

Will I lose any data during conversion?

No, our converter maintains 100% data accuracy and preserves all your original formatting during the conversion process.