PDF Merger

Combine multiple PDF files into one document instantly

100% Free
Secure Processing
Lightning Fast
Quality Preserved

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Why Choose Our PDF Merger?

Secure Processing

All processing happens in your browser. Your files never leave your device.

Lightning Fast

Merge your PDFs in seconds with our optimized processing engine.

Quality Preserved

Your merged PDF maintains the original quality of all documents.

Always Free

No hidden costs or subscriptions. Use it as much as you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to use this tool?

Yes, absolutely! All processing happens directly in your browser. Your files never leave your device or get uploaded to any server.

Are there any file size limits?

The tool can handle PDFs of any size that your browser can process. We recommend keeping individual files under 100MB for optimal performance.

What happens to my original files?

Your original PDF files remain unchanged. The tool creates a new merged PDF file while leaving your originals intact.

Can I merge password-protected PDFs?

Currently, the tool supports merging non-encrypted PDF files only. Please ensure your PDFs are not password-protected before merging.